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Friday, October 16, 2009


I have to say that having these two monsters is very entertaining and very tiring at the same time, especially with Milo still in the potty training process. The things they do on a daily bases both make me laugh and angry at the same time. Its so hard to be mad at them, Look at those faces!!

There are so many wonderful moments that they make me laugh and smile and sometimes even ask them WTF ARE YOU DOING. But, I love them! My favorite is in the morning when they're all snuggly and cuddly and just want to lay there, they don't want to play-well Milo does, Bella wants to lay down and be petted.

They always just hang out with me, If I am on the couch typing a blog-like this one, they're just next to me, usually super close almost on top of me. Its cute, I know, and a little invasive. But-its always good to have them waiting for me at home, no matter how bad a day its been, or what emotional stuff I am struggling with, they're always there to make me smile!

I took that picture last night when they were all snuggled up to me next to the couch. It was an Awwwww moment, and I needed to share!


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