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Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Broke The Truck….For Real This Time :(

Took the L out last night to a meet since its been forever that I’ve actually gone to a meet (since June at least)

Took TheFriend with me since its been forever since he’s been to a meet too. Took the L out to meet Maro (Mark with a Camaro) cool guy, always a good time when he is around. So I hit the gas pretty hard while getting on the on ramp, the truck is just SCREAMING getting into boost. Just as the lanes merge there is a Mustang to my left, they pull off to the side and stop. I have to admit, I might do the same, the L sounds sofa king mean! You’ll know its comin from a few miles away!

We get to the meet, I pull in and see another Silver L, I told TheFriend “I’ve got to know that truck, there aren’t many L’s around the area who aren’t on Lightning Rodder” I couldn’t place the truck since it was a little farther away. I pull next to Maro’s car, turn off the beast, open the door, and as I put one foot on the ground I hear a guy running over and saying “Queen Bee, Queen Bee, I knew it was you, so this is the beast huh?” I was shocked, I haven’t been to a meet in months I pull in and someone already knows who I am! Haha! It was EatinLightning (Alex) from LR, We bullshitted a bit about the L and he asked me to pop the hood, I did, and that second that I lifted the hood everyone rushed over with “ooooooh’s and Ahhhhh’s” it was straight out of some part of a race movie. Cool though, so we head over to his truck to check it out, he pops the hood, I said “Aww how cute, little Eaton” jokingly of course, he said “it is cute compared to yours” haha.

Very cool guy, talked to a few more fbody guys and whoever else was around. Nice to know EatinLightning lives closer than the other guys so when I wanna do a Silver Shoot or something he’s right there.

We bullshitted for a while and then TheFriend, Maro, and I decided to get some food at Applebee’s. I pulled on the L pretty hard and it kicked into boost with a quickness (will be quicker once I am tuned woo) got there parked and headed inside for some food and drinks.
Came out, started the truck and heard a “Hisssssssssss” I couldn’t figure out what it was, truck died, started it up, died, repeat, got it running, got fuel in her. I can hear the hisssssssssssss some more, coming through the cab and realize I am not building any boost, or have any vacuum for that matter. AH! I broke it, I broke the truck once I got on it, GOD DAMNIT!

I limp it all the way home on just the motor, keeping the rpms low so its not spinning the blower much if any and hoping the belt stays on. At this point I have NO fucking idea what it is. Hoping that I blew a line off on that pass, we will see.
Tucked her into the garage @ 2 am. :(


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