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Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Shoes..New Shoes

New Shoes & Such
Time to get the check for the new Lightning (still nameless) I got the check from the bank which wasn’t as pain-full as I thought it would be. Then headed to the mall!
I’ve wanted some new tennis shoes for a while now, and I HATE HATE HATE tennis shoe shopping. I think they’re comfy I pay the $70 it is that shoes cost now a days I wear them for a while and then...Bam...not comfortable all of a sudden. I’ve always wore Nike’s and I love them, at first, I’ve noticed lately that they feel too narrow around my toes. I have the correct size I don’t know what the issue is!
I saw a guy a few weeks ago somewhere wearing these smooth and sleek Under Armor shoes in all black and I loved them. I’ve wanted all black tennis shoes for a while but I always end up with white somehow, or some sort of color with white-all the same. I went into Lady Foot Locker and saw the black UA I wanted. Asked for my size, I saw they were $79.99 whatever just let me try them. I also saw these all black Nike’s for $49.99 that looked awesome too. I tried on the Nike’s since they didn’t have the UA black ones in my size. The Nike’s felt like the other ones I have which I thought was normal. The girl says the lower end Nike’s are made to be as comfortable as the high end ones (read: shocks) I don’t like the high end ones, they hurt my knees. She brings out these black and baby blue UA shoes, little bit of a different style from the all black ones, I tried them on awesome feeling-compared the Nike to the UA and omg my feet feel a world of difference!!
I bought the black & blue ones, and some insole inserts she had me try on felt so comfy. Even the manager is wearing the shoes I just bought and says she loooooooves them. I was already sold.
They have these other UA shoes. Black and magenta with white on the bottom, same style as the all black ones but the pink ones are in my size. I try them on since she says we can order the all black ones if I want. I put them on thinking I would love them, nope. They didn’t feel as comfortable as the black &blue ones.
So now I am an Under Armor shoe chick. I’ll update as I break these in. They’re so cute! (For tennis shoes)


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