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Saturday, May 8, 2010


I've been wanting to check out a "Chalk-Walk" for quite some time now. There just happened to be one going on in Hyde Park, which is this historic district of Tampa. It is very cute, reminds me a lot of the neighborhoods in Denver. I like to be reminded of home <3 It was hot out, its Florida, its always hot out!

I am amazed at how well an artist can transform a canvas, even if its not an actual "canvas" It was a beautiful thing to take in, they had areas for the kiddos to draw on the side walk as well. Well on to the show, here are a few shots I liked!


There was a grey hound rescue too, they looked hot, I snapped a picture of one of the dogs, and then came across a puppy at a vendor tent who was too cute to not play with. He is 10 weeks old and was wearing a Ray's hat. It was almost impossible to get him to wear it right, so he now looks like french puppy, Still adorable



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