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Monday, May 3, 2010

Roses are Yellow & Pink!

Like you didn't know that! But-what you didn't know is these aren't any roses! They are roses on my new shoes!! Please excuse the photo quality-they were shot with my blackberry!

I love stilettos, LOVE them, unfortunately I hate walking in them. I wish they were more comfortable for me but they're not :( That being said, I do love wedges, which is just what I came across at Sears last week.

I know what you're thinking...Sears? Really? YES!!! I was sold on the Yellow ones, I don't think I have enough "Bold" accessories in my wardrobe. I just bought a cute navy summer dress and I thought these yellow shoes would pair perfectly with the outfit. I was a little unsure of the rose accent on them, but it is a take-it or leave-it feature since its stuck on the shoe! Believe me, I checked to see if it could be removed. No-go!

I tried them on, they were cute and I adored them. But, what kinda woman would I be without consenting others? Haha, I shot a picture text to Hubby, Kendra & Brooke. Hubby loves any high-heel I pick out, so he was in. Kendra wanted a pair for herself, so she was in & Brooke thought they were hot. Heather who was with me at the time liked them but wasn't sold on the rose, and couldn't picture them with an outfit.

The best part? They were only $15, I couldn't pass that up! I got them in Yellow & Pink, they had a Black, but it wasn't in my size, of course. They're not too bad to wear out either! Went out to dinner with Heather & Tyler for dinner and wore the outfit so she could get a feel for it, she loved the look!

Now to find an outfit to rock the pink ones with, hmmmmm...


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