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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Side Note: Brooke read Tunes not Tones K?
 I love music, I always have but I think I appreciate it more as I go through different things in my life. I am always open to new things, new styles and I really love when I can relate to the song or it fits that moment in my life. It’s amazing how that happens, the moment you're happy, sad, alone, excited, whatever it is, and the perfect song comes on the radio it just fits, you know?
 I’ve been through a lot and I am not ready to put it out there for the world to read. But I will tell you that I feel I heal sometimes even if it’s just a little bit from a song. Isn't that amazing? Words that are written can touch you so much. Relate to your life, define your best/worst moments and let you have an outlet for whatever you need it for. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes I scream the lyrics as loud as I can. It’s all just a part of my heart trying to find a way to heal.
 It really is a big part of who I am. I bought a painting in the beginning of the year while in Vegas. It is four guitars, it is beautiful and it spoke to me. I do not play guitar, although I do have the desire to learn. But I am touched by music and wanted to appreciate this beautiful piece of art in my home. It reminds me that someone out there understands me, my feelings, and my thoughts and expressed themselves through music. That right there is just beautiful to me.
This all came to me tonight, as I was watching my DVR'd One Tree Hill, which I love that show...go ahead and laugh that I watch it, I'll wait. Done? K, they have some great music on it. I always find myself going to the website and checking who it was. Most of the time its people I've never heard of, but I like that one song so I check out the whole album. I don't want to miss out on anything in life, and exploring music is a BIG realm!

I was just telling Brooke today after our work out we need to go to the Dueling Piano bar in Tampa, Howl At The Moon. I went in Orlando a few weeks ago and I love it. There is a place in Denver, Sing Sing, that I just love too. I love live music and there isn't anything better than some good friends, drinks and some great live music.
  I find that now I am a Music junkie, I blame Rebecca & Justin; ever since I went to Texas and was sent home with some 40 gigs of music...it just started the process! My poor little 30 gig iPod is overloaded. Thanks guys!



my own private....tennessee said...

haha....is that Dave Matthews on your iTones?

Queen Bee said...

It sure is, He is also on my iLyrics too :)

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