There comes a time in your life when you outgrow things, your surrundings, friendships, lovers, family, career.
I believe I have reached that point in my life where I feel it necessary to move on. Cut my losses and pick up the pieces and go on. I can only put forth the effort for so long until it takes a toll on me. People always ask me why I continue to try when others would have just given up and walked away. My response is always the same "I want to know at the end of the day, I did everything I could." I want to know that when I walk away I gave that person every possible chance. I don't want to sell anyone short, let alone myself, and I am an all-or-nothing person, so when I am done. I am DONE. It applies to Friendship, Family, Relationships, sometimes its just time to let it go.
You can only put all of your heart & effort into something for so long until you grow tired of being the only one trying to make things work. I have a very kind heart, I believe in second changes (depending on the circumstances) but I do NOT believe in third and forth chances. Its the classic saying "Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
I don't need closure, I've never been a "closure" type of person. I've never needed to be at someone else's mercy so I can move on. If you've never thought about it like that-you should. Isn't that how it is, You NEED someone to tell you something so you can move on. Such as: why a relationship failed, or an explanation of actions or of non-actions, an excuse, or even a reason. When you seek non-self closure you really are putting yourself at someone else's mercy, and for what? Closure isn't normally a "happy time" I don't believe it will make me a better person to hear what someone else has to say after ties have been severed. I do however believe in communication, through communication all things can be solved.
I seem to have one of those personalities that people are attracted to. Even when I've walked away people seem to come back. Its flattering at first, but those same old people bring back the same old issues. People never change, I honestly believe that. I believe we can grow into better versions of ourselves but we never change who we are. Why would we want to?
Life is about connection to me, as in the way I connect to people. The older I get the more I realize how important this is. I don't connect to everyone I meet the same, or sometimes, at all. I connect to different people on different levels. There are very few people that I have had an amazing connection with. Its hard to let go of those connections, but sometimes, its what is right.
I've always wanted to be a "better" person, and to me that is something I strive for, I'll never be "perfect" but I can always improve on things in my life. I know my limits and when to walk away with my head held high, those are qualities I learned from the greatest woman I've ever known, my Mother. Because of her I have the courage and strong-will to hold my head highly and walk away.
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