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Friday, December 3, 2010


I woke up yesterday and decided it was time for a change. This is pretty much how my life works. Something pops in my head and I follow it out to the best of my abilities. Sometimes they are great ideas, some crazy, some near impossible, some short lived and some I am still perusing.

This specific change that came to mind yesterday is its time to let the Lightning go.

I've had it for 14 months now, and maybe MAYBE have driven it a total of 1,000 miles, which includes the 700 mile trip to bring it home. I have spent enough money getting it to run-and it does run right, now-finally. I am just tied of it sitting.

It was an impulse buy, I've wanted one for so long, got caught up with the Lightning guys back home, fell in love with these trucks years ago and always wanted one. Well I got one, was excited for a few months and then it kinda wore off.

Don't get me wrong I love the Lightning Community, some of the greatest car people I've ever met are Lightning owners. Even before I bought my truck they were all so friendly and helpful. Very welcoming, I can honestly say, there is not another greater group of Auto Enthusiast out there!

Now that my truck just sits, I don't really see the "need" for it, I don't have the desire to keep it. I am sure selling it will be tricky, to get what I want out of it and not take a total loss on it. But time will tell on it.

I know a lot of people are going to be sad, and not want to see it go. But its just time for me to move on, I don't want to replace it, I can honestly say I won't own another one. I wanted a 600+HP Truck and I got it, but I don't feel like I have the time for it. The meets are a blast to go to, but I can still do that with out actually having one.

I'm sure it goes deeper into my psyche- I'm never happy with anything I get. Funny & true, I thought I would be content with this for a while, but over the last 6-8 months I've really thought about putting it up for sale, I just hate the whole selling process. I am not in a rush to get rid of it. But I think having it sit around in a garage isn't what it was "built" to be, Someone needs to drive it, enjoy it, race it, romp around on it...that person just isn't me anymore. I do enjoy driving it and playing around with it, but I don't feel that "attachment" like I do to the Mustang.

I want a bike, I think I am at that point in my life where I crave change-well, that and I already have my motorcycle license, I've just been waiting for the "right time" to get one. I need to liquidate some of the cars I have now, before I add more. I am starting to be more practical and rational with my decisions, looks to be that I am growing up :)

Bottom line is it is a toy, and it is meant to be played with, and since I am not, it deserves more. I might miss the "Frightmare" later on, but now I think its time to let it go

As one Lightning owner leaves, a new one is welcomed. Its a beautiful circle :)

I Need an Intervention

This love for Boots has apparently exploded. I'd like to say I "can't" help it, but its more like I "don't want to" help it. Boots are cute, in style, very fall-ish. I am convinced I can wear them in summer-although truth be told its so hot here, you wear flip-flops, but at least I have the OPTION to wear them right? And come on, they will be in style next season, and the one after that, the one after that, and well now you get the point.

So, the "newest" additions are three beautiful pairs, if I do say so my self. I was out shopping for my Niece & Nephew and came across these tope Vera Wang boots, they remind me of motorcycle riding boots. They're edgy and flashy they have a bit of glam to them with a rhinestone like belt across the bottom. (Fear not- my fellow readers, I will post a picture of the line up)

Anyhow, while at the mall waiting for my Niece & Nephews stockings to get embroidered. They tell you to come back in thirty minuets, well what else do you do at the mall or thirty minuets??? You shop. I was on the hunt (yes-it really is a "hunt") for purple suede boots, but I can't ever seem to find them.

I did find a pair of purple flats, tried them on and too tight and of course they did not have the next size. I stumbled into Charlote Russe because Kendra always is sending me links to their boots-and she is like a hawk when it comes to that stuff. Ever have that friend? You mention to them something you're looking for and BAM they'll find it, or remember you mentioned it. <3 Her. Anyways, so I went in to look at the boots hoping they had purple, they did not. But it was Buy-One-Get-One-Half-Off. It doesn't hurt to look right? Well-except when looking turns into buying because, lets be honest, when does it not? Here's a bit of a back-story-I fell in love with these black, suede, over the knee, fold over boots, which you could convert to fold over and they tie off to the side, or wear the "flaps" over the knee. Kohl's had them, I found them in a 9.5 but I needed a 10, ugh, don't you hate that? I do! I had them look all over the US for them, called stores in other states my friends lived in, got Kendra the "hound/hawk" on it too. Nada. I was crushed. Well don't you know low-and-behold Charlotte Russe has the SAME boots, what? I was shocked, I did a triple-take. The heel was even the same size, which is nice, they're wear-able. AND they had the size I needed, I went with an 11 just to be on the safe side, SO excited that I found them, again. Although they're a little tight on the calf part, so I think they're legging/skirt only boots. Since it was BOGO I found these cute navy blue suede boots, the tops fold down and have a leather like texture to them. So cute & half off, I refused, to refuse. Although I did admit for the "intervention" right there at the register and I posted to Kendra on facebook "I need an intervention, as I am writing you I am in line at Charlotte Russe buying boots" Of course her prompt response was "I am a size 6" which is exactly the friends I need. Tell me not to buy boots, you will be removed from my circle of friends :) So, now lets review all of the boots I have. I like to call them "The Boots of Fall" Black Flat Suede Slouch-Payless Grey Flat Suede Slouch-Payless Black (low) Ankle Boots-Madden Girl Black Ankle Boots-Payless Brown Leather-ish Slouch-Kmart Black Suede Over-The-Knee-Sears Tope Calf "Riding"-Kohls Black 3-Way Suede-Charlotte RusseBlue Suede-Charlotte Russe Those are just the "additions" this season. I have a few in my closet too :)